Hiiieeeeee my dears! 

 I've been very busy lately with my life. The Leaving Cert is taking place and the studying has been non stop. It's so hard to find motivation when you're just so tired/lazy. I'm so glad that the end is near and I can throw all my books away! I will miss school but helllooooooo freedom <3. 
 Well the main purpose of this blog post today is that I really want to get back into shape and finally get the body I've always wanted. This health/gym craze is at an ultimate high for 2015 and it's very intimidating. Ever since the start of 6th year my daily workout routines and healthy eating flew out the window. The stress of exams, overload of homework and being so tired after school. I'd fall in and out of clean eating and working out but then go back to my bad habits. I've always struggled with my weight ever since I was small. Grandmama liked to indulge her grandkids (know what I'm sayin?). I used to weigh 12 stone for so many years and successfully lost that weight in a space of a year and weighed 8 stone. (however I still had that stubborn pooch all of us ladies hate). So ever since I fell back into my habits I now weigh 10 stone and hope to get back to my energetic and lean self again.

 So to conclude this post, my blog will be tracking my progress and once the Leaving Cert ends I will definitely be blogging a lot more. So be aware ladies for some great content *wink*

- Finish 30 Day Blogliates challenge for June.
- Get back to clean eating. 
- Keep my motivation high.
- Don't let my emotions and stress cause me to comfort eat.
- Join a gym and ACTUALLY stay committed to it. 
- Be able to wear a crop top in confidence.



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My name is June. Eighteen years old and living in the little island of Dublin, Ireland. I'm a makeup junkie at heart and a try hard fitness monkey. Posting thing-ma-bobs that is my life and what I love.


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